How to Care for Your New Pup

How to Care for Your New Pup

Who doesn’t love puppies? The small fur babies are cuddly, adorable, and lovable creatures. But when you bring one home, many factors need to be considered.

Raising pets may seem simple, but it is no walk in the park. From regular walks and vet visits to daily walks and, most of all, quality food, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort developing a schedule for your canine friend. Read on to learn how to care for your new pup.

1.      Finding a Reliable Vet

One of the first things you must do when you bring a new doggo home is to find a reliable vet. Even if your pup isn’t sick, you will need to set up plans for vaccinations. Moreover, discussing spaying or neutering options is also essential if you want a strictly indoor pet.

Additionally, vet visits give you a general idea of your puppy’s overall health and well-being. If they are coming down with something, your vet will come up with a treatment plan.

In case you don’t know any reliable vets, consider asking friends and family for recommendations. Finding a trustworthy vet will always remain the first step if you want to learn how to care for your new pup.

2.      Potty Training

Potty training your new family member is essential if you don’t want to deal with cleaning carpets all day long.

Most dogs aren’t keen on wearing diapers, so taking them outside for bathroom breaks will be your job. When your pup’s vaccinations are still ongoing, you should find a spot that other animals can’t access easily until your dog gets fully immunized. It will prevent the spread of illnesses and diseases to others.

Make sure you reinforce positivity by giving your pup treats and scratches when they successfully potty outdoors. However, it is equally important to refrain from punishing them when they end up pooping indoors accidentally.

Typically, it is advised to form a bathroom schedule so that your doggo becomes accustomed to those times. Most commonly, bathroom breaks should occur right after waking up and before bedtime. You can also take your puppy out for potty training right after a meal or when they wake up after a nap.

3.      Playtime

Unlike cats, dogs require more attention and social interactions. They aren’t too fond of being left alone, and as your pup grows older, they need more interaction with people and other pets.

When you take your dog outside for a walk, try to find fellow pet owners to make your dog friendly with other pets. It will help them find a playmate. Additionally, you should bring toys and treats home to help make playtime more fun for your fur baby.

Treats can also help make your dog obedient and learn tricks. If they ever show aggressive behaviour, you can also keep them under control with your commands.

Even if you have a busy schedule, you should try to find some time to play with your dog. Most pups crave affection and want your full attention when you play.

4.      Choosing a Suitable Diet

Last but certainly not least, diet. Finding suitable dog food is one of the essential things that must be considered when learning how to care for your new pup.

While you may be contemplating different kibble and wet food brands, we recommend raw food. Raw food for puppies is the ultimate diet that will keep them healthy and strong for the rest of their lives with fewer illnesses.

Contrary to common belief, kibble is actually harmful to dogs. Not only does it lack nutrients, but it is also made with highly processed filler ingredients that do more harm than good. But with raw food, your dog gets all the nourishment needed for healthy living. Additionally, it helps improve skin and fur quality.

A raw meal comprises multiple organs, meat, and bones. You can also give fresh fruits and vegetables as supplements.

Find the Best Raw Food for Dogs at Raw Paws Emporium

Shop for the finest quality of raw food for your pup at Raw Paws Emporium. We source raw diets only from the top-rated brands. Call 01707 952160 for more details.

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