Role of Diet in Your Doggo’s Dental Hygiene

Role of Diet in Your Doggo’s Dental Hygiene

Dogs are loving creatures and are known for being man’s best friend. Likewise, most dog parents go to great lengths to provide their fur babies with the best life possible. From comfortable bedding and toys to treats and expensive foods, all dog owners want only the best for their doggos.

While you may think you have everything covered, you might miss one important element. Dental hygiene.

Do you take your dog to the vet regularly for annual dental surgery? So there shouldn’t be anything wrong, right?

 The fact that they need surgery to eliminate plaque and tartar is the problem in itself.

Read on to learn the importance of dental hygiene for dogs and how their diet can affect their oral health.

What are Dental Diseases in Dogs?

Dental diseases in dogs are fairly common. Besides affecting the teeth, they also impact gums and structures surrounding the teeth. In other words, any part of the mouth that supports the teeth can be affected by dental diseases.

Typically, all dental conditions start with plaque buildup. Plaque generally contains bacteria and food particles.

If plaque is not removed in the early stages, it hardens and turns into a substance called tartar. While in most cases, tartar is formed above the gum line, it can also find its way below.

Removing tartar above the gum line is an easy task. Your vet can remove it without much hassle. But the real problem occurs when tartar is formed below the gum line. In this case, your dog’s teeth may seem perfectly fine on the outside, but a closer examination will reveal tartar buildup.

Cleaning it is challenging, but that’s not the worst of it. Tartar below the gum line can lead to inflammation and infection. Consequently, it causes tremendous discomfort and pain to your doggo. Additionally, the structure of the mouth surrounding the teeth may also be impacted.

Here are some signs that indicate that your dog may be suffering from a dental disease:

  • Broken teeth: a broken tooth is a sure sign that your dog’s oral hygiene isn’t in the best condition, and you may need to visit your vet soon.
  • Loose teeth: If your pup’s teeth are getting a little loose, schedule a dental visit before they fall out completely.
  • Bad breath: Bad breath is often a major indication that your doggo may develop an oral condition.
  • Reduced appetite: If your dog is struggling to eat or drink, it may not be due to reduced appetite but because of an oral condition. When they feel excessive pain, your pups will start refusing meals.
  • Excessive drooling: If your dog is drooling excessively, it may be because of oral inflammation or infection.

Importance of Dental Care

No pet parent wants to see their dog suffer. That is reason enough to highlight the importance of dog dental care. Still, five other reasons make the maintenance of dental hygiene in dogs even more vital. These include the following:

Prevents Tooth Loss

If the structures supporting a dog’s teeth get infected or inflamed, they cause the teeth to become loose, which eventually makes them fall out. But with proper dental care and good oral hygiene, tooth loss can be prevented by ensuring the structures and supports of the teeth stay in a healthy condition.

Improves Breath

Who doesn’t love some kisses from the good boy? But what happens when their mouth reeks, making their breath unbearable? As mentioned earlier, bad breath is a sign of the poor oral condition. But with proper dental care, bad breath won’t ever be an issue.

Eliminates Oral Pain

When your dog develops an oral condition, it can be really painful for them, preventing them from eating or drinking properly, even with a soft diet. But maintaining proper hygiene can stop their pain and suffering, allowing them to live a healthy and happy life.

Reduces the Risk of Organ Damage

One might think that oral conditions only affect the mouth, but that’s not necessarily the case. Without proper dental care, the bacteria present in the plaque can enter the bloodstream. Consequently, it spreads to different organs, such as the heart and liver. This is a condition called bacteremia which can cause damage to organs.

Stops the Development of Severe Dental Conditions

When you’re proactive and start caring for the dental hygiene of your doggo from the start, it prevents the disease in the first place. Even if they develop a condition, proper care stops it from turning into a severe condition that may affect other body parts and organs.

Source of Dental Diseases in Dogs

Now that you know the importance of oral hygiene, let’s look at the causes of these dental diseases in dogs.

While many factors play a role, the most important one is diet. Improper diet will always cause dental issues in dogs. Most pet parents give their dogs kibble, believing it protects their fur babies from plaque and tartar buildup.

However, the truth is quite different. Kibble is a crunchy food; when your dog eats it, the small bits of food get stuck to the teeth, causing plaque to build up.

Moreover, kibble is rich in carbs, sugar, and starch. But the dog’s saliva does not have the enzyme to break down these nutrients. Consequently, they remain stuck to the teeth, resulting in plaque, tartar, and other oral health conditions.

When the immune system tries to fight this buildup, it results in severe inflammation or gingivitis. If left alone, bacteria accumulation will eventually start deteriorating teeth and cause them to fall out of their sockets.

So, to sum up, the main cause of dental diseases in dogs is their food. That brings us to the question, if kibble is bad for dogs, then what should be given to them instead? Wet food?

Well, wet food is bound to accumulate in their teeth. That’s why many parents chose dry food in the first place. This crosses wet food off the list as well. So what should you give your dogs?

The real answer is raw food!

Oral Health Benefits of Raw Diets for Dogs

A raw diet for dogs has countless health benefits. But the best part about it is that it keeps your pup’s oral hygiene in check. Unlike dry dog food, it is not packed with starch. Plus, it is the most natural form of diet. All dogs living in the wild strive off raw food without any issues.

A raw diet is made of pure raw meat, organs, and bones. Cooking the food takes away the nutrients that your doggo needs, so it is best to provide them with a raw meal that is truly nourishing.

As for the oral health benefits of raw diets, it contains an enzyme that protects the teeth and gums without causing plaque accumulation. Moreover, they are free from unhealthy carbs and sugars that may cause bacterial buildup, leading to bad breath and eventual organ damage.

The best part is that it is free from all artificial ingredients. Raw food does not have any preservatives, chemical compounds, or colorants. And since it is such a pure diet, it does not cause any stress on the immune system, resulting in improved oral hygiene.

Now coming to the bones. Raw bones are considered natural toothbrushes for dogs. Even if any scrapes or pieces of meat are left on the teeth, chewing on raw bones helps in removing them entirely. Moreover, chewing on bones breaks down harmful bacteria found in the gums.

Additionally, raw bones are considered an excellent source of calcium for your fur baby. When they have enough calcium in their body, it strengthens their bones and teeth, allowing them to maintain oral hygiene.

Types of Bones for Dogs

Now that you know the benefits of feeding raw meat and bones to dogs, it is essential that you also understand the type of bones that can be given to dogs.

There are basically three different types of bones. Let’s look at them in detail:

Edible Bones

Edible bones are soft and chewy. They are meant to be consumed along with raw meat. Typically, poultry bones are used. But don’t give any poultry bone you see to your pup. Instead, you should stick to the feet, neck, back, and wingtips.

But these bones are small, so they are better suited for small and medium-sized dogs. Larger breeds will need larger bones. In this case, you may have to source non-poultry bones, including lamb, beef, or pork ribs, pork feet, and ox tail.

Recreational Bones

Recreational bones aren’t meant for eating. Instead, they are given to promote jaw exercise and improve oral health. But if your dog is a gulper, it is best not to give recreational bones as they pose a choking hazard. Moreover, if the bone is too hard, it can cause permanent tooth damage.

The whole point of feeding dogs raw bones is to ensure improved oral hygiene, not worsening it. That’s why carefully choosing the bones is essential.

Some safer recreational bone choices include knuckles, knee caps, necks, and hock bones. Once you’re done is done chewing on these bones, you must discard them as they aren’t meant for eating.

Of course, stomach acid can break down bones, but the phenomenon only occurs in moderation. Excessive consumption of hard bones may cause digestive issues as they aren’t easily broken down.

Cooked Bones

Cooked bones are not recommended for dogs at all. When they are cooked, they lose all nutritional value and become hard and brittle. When your dog eats them, they do not get any oral health benefits. Moreover, they may also worsen the dental condition of dogs because of splintering.

Consequently, it will cause health issues and increased visits to the vet, and in some extreme cases, it can even become the cause of death.

In many instances, pet parents have found that even if a dog’s dental health is in top condition, they may still end up cracking or breaking their teeth when chewing on cooked bones because of their hardness and brittleness.

If you don’t want your fur baby to suffer, don’t ever give them cooked bones.

The Bottom Line

While you may have heard of a long list of the dangers of feeding your raw dog food, the truth is, in fact, the opposite. A raw diet for dogs has endless benefits as opposed to kibble.

Contrary to common belief, kibble is actually pretty harmful to dental hygiene in dogs. The small, crunchy bits can find their way in between teeth and gums. Moreover, they are packed with starch, which causes bacteria buildup, leading to the deterioration of your pup’s oral health.

If you don’t want to see your doggo suffer in the long term, switch to a raw diet today! Besides preventing dental diseases in dogs, it also improves breath, offers more nutrition, and boosts the immune system.

Find the Best Raw Foods at Raw Paws Emporium

While you can portion meals yourself, it is best to buy pre-proportioned raw diets that have been designed by professional nutritionists. At Raw Paws Emporium, we provide raw foods for dogs and cats. We only source products from the most top-rated brands that have been registered under DEFRA.

Click here to check out our collection of raw diets for dogs. You can also reach out by calling 01707 952160 or emailing for more details.

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